Anxiety is something that I have personally experienced throughout my entire life, it comes up and flares hot. I'm never down for it, or the whirl wind of destruction that it leaves in its aftermath. I feel this episode is just as valuable as those sexual and healing episodes because in this episode you'll learn how stress emerges in our life on a holistic level, what a good morning & evening routine is, what is mindfulness and how can being mindful help with stress? 

You'll learn from our expert Dagmar.

Dagmar Khan is women’s confidence and sexuality expert, trained as top 1% sex specialists in the world.

She is the founder of Sexy Confidence, a global programme that fills the critical gap to offer sexual healing & integration for women after #metoo movement. 

Sexy Confidence approaches sexual trauma with an integrated holistic system, that addresses very deeply both the body and the mind, and in fact effects the ecosystem of women’s entire life.

It uses the most powerful holistic sexuality practices, deep relaxation and self-massage practices in combination with modern trauma healing and brain-integration techniques, that are designed to help women fully come back to life. 

The results? 

Women unapologetically falling in love with their body, feeling safe around intimacy & reclaiming their full sexual freedom.

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