You’re listening to the Pleasure Rising Podcast Episode number 008.

Pleasure Seekers, we all know that living a life of pleasure in and out of the bedroom involves work, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. In this episode of the Pleasure Rising Podcast Susan Bratton breaks down how my pleasure principles apply to the bedroom. 

We spoke about five of the pleasure principles, which include:

Moving past guilt.
Practising presence. 
Learning to receive 
Following your excitement and purpose. 
Finding pleasure in the every day. 

Susan dived into how pleasure principe one can be incorporated between the sheets. 

Susan mentioned that when a women is fully self expressed she becomes an orgasm pig, she is greedy, horny and lust filled. 

She can be ravishing or relaxing depending on her mood. She has no guilt whatsoever. - Well, take note women because I know we women can become preoccupied with our partners and not fully experience our full amount of pleasure. 

She is a women who asks for what she needs, but won’t give until she is ready. She mentioned that we need to move past the guilt that it takes too long to get warmed up, to be pleasured to our total satisfaction, or just because he has cum doesn’t mean it’s over. 

Susan discussed this amazing technique called the Sexual Soulmate Pact. 

This is a wonderful technique I think a lot of women, including myself, will be implementing. I’ll be barking orders instead of using my manners and saying ‘please’, ‘honey’, and simply getting out of my body and stay in my pleasure. 

Susan mentioned how we need to connect to our body and our partner. This may mean that our partner rubs our body to make us feel good. This is something I can get used too, my partner does do this (not as regular as I would like) but it’s a great reminder to ask for this more. 

Checking in with myself through his touch is important for him and for me.

Susan then shared the Soul Mate Embrace. 

The Soul Mate Embrace is a hugging technique to help us relax fully into our body and thus get turned on. She said it’s a great way to connect and drop in together before you get aroused. 

This conversation was incredible, Susan had me wanting to know more. These techniques are foundations for a lot of women. 

If you’re tuning in, thank you so much, share on your Instagram stories tag me ( @sarahmarieliddle) and I’ll share it on my Instagram stories also.

Thanks for tuning in pleasure seekers!

To learn more about Susan Bratton visit:

Instagram @susanbratton 

Website: and