Ryan Talmo is a comedy workaholic who has hosted more hours of LA open mics and bar shows than nearly anyone in the past 7 years. He even kept on hosting shows while battling stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma for over a year. He talks to us about the whole ordeal. From early denial, to 12 rounds of chemo. From suicidal thoughts, to meeting his fiancee & having a baby after being told it was not possible for him after cancer. Now armed with a new lease on life, & a new comedy album, recorded whilst going thru chemo ("My Lymphoma"). Talmo's positive attitude on life and fatherhood fill this episode with a warm fuzzy feeling, as well as inside info on the LA comedy scene, being a new dad & stepdad after beating cancer, & what colors your bodily fluids change to during chemo. Get this episode checked right away.