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Next Episode: Chemical Burns

Sometimes the same person has to call 911 and have paramedics respond to them multiple times in the same year. Or same month, or same week, or same day, or same night after midnight. These people are known as frequent flyers. If there was a 911 rewards card, these guys are racking up the miles. Danny explains the different types of frequent flyers, why some are legit, some are a pleasure to serve over and over, some are not really legit but are still a pleasure, & some push the upper limits of your frustration threshold. We explain how there's no way to really stop frivilous use of 911 for medical issues, how these patients are also known, and either welcomed or dreaded, by the local ER's as well, along with the possible effects and ramifications of taking people to the ER who don't really need 911. We also talk about what its like to almost get to sleep over and over all night long but not actually sleep at all.