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This is it. We are giving you the goods for all of our listeners who are trying to get hired as a firefighter. We have recently retired LAFD Captain Chris Lewis, a 34 year veteran who has sat on countless oral interview boards, both entry level & promotional, even for other cities. He tells us all of the do’s & do not do’s of the FD oral interview, & there are A LOT. Danny also breaks down how to prep, what to wear, how to wait in the waiting room, how to walk in the room, how to greet the panel, how to shake hands, EVERYTHING. But the big prize here is this, we give you the tricks to a killer opening statement. The one that got us both perfect interview scores. We explain what an opening statement is, how to use it, & then show you how to write yours, practice it, & deliver it to knock out a perfect score. Captain Lewis also breaks down how to crush your zoom interview, including the difference in prep for zoom, getting your room ready, how to present yourself online. He also explains the main things that can get an otherwise good candidate bumped. We give up all the goods here to get you hired. Take notes on this one