Previous Episode: Not Just a Referee

We're joined by Santa Monica FD Training Chief James Altman. Who recounts a day he'll never forget as a HazMat Captain, working on a special security detail for President Obama's visit in 2013. Just 6 minutes after the motorcade passes thru a quiet Santa Monica, California neighborhood, they get a call for shots fired and a shooting victim over the radio, followed by a call for a structure fire in the same neighborhood. What follows is the aftermath of an active shooter rampaging thru the city while the president is in town, resulting in 5 separate crime scenes! These included a house fire, carjacking, bus attack, and a mass shooting attempt at Santa Monica College before being neutralized by police in the library. This is an incredible story of bravery but also of leadership and candid honesty regarding operations in situations you are not really prepared for. What happens when your department's resources are completely tapped out with 5 major simultaneous incidents with the President a couple of miles away. What does the Secret Service do? How do you deal with guys who refuse to go into an unsafe scene, or with police who refuse to stay back and protect the FD? How have policies changed since this incident? James also knew us as kids and gives a great interview that starts with old Westside memories & ends with a real insightful look at leadership in Fire service & what it really means, especially when things get wild. We also talk about what it means to really be ready for anything.