Director Marla Ancheta is on Please Pause! Direktor lang naman siya ng Netflix Philippines chart-toppers Finding Agnes and Ikaw, dagdag mo pa a couple of music videos and over a hundred TV ads. She took us through her "day job" of being a TV commercial director and the relationship between the client, the ad agency, and the production team. Kaya naman ang dami rin naming tanong like magnanay ba talaga sila? Pano gumawa ng bula? We also got into the trend of ads na aside from magbenta, paiiyakin ka pa.

It wouldn't be Please Pause if we didn't talk about Direk Marla's movies. Napag-usapan ang experiences niya with Finding Agnes, her first feature, and dealing with criticism as a relatively new film director. And syempre what's Valentine's Day if we didn't talk about her latest romantic movie starring Janine Gutierrez and Pepe Herrera, Ikaw! Ang tanong, kanino ba talagang kasalanan at sinong dapat sisihin? Listen in and find out!

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You can check out Direk Marla's reel here:
You can watch her 2011 Coca-Cola ad here:
Catch Finding Agnes and Ikaw on Netflix!

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