It's the week where, somehow, the women of the campaign have stolen the spotlight.

With a female-studded Labor launch, a high-profile defamation case over sex-related political comments and an unlikely discussion about Bill Shorten's mum all in one week - it's apt that this episode we ask:

What do the women of Australia want? And do they have the power to sway this election?

PLUS Hear from Nick Bonyhady, who is mid-way through an epic election odyssey from Hobart to Cairns writing a blog we’re calling “Bursting the bubble”.

Tory Maguire: National Editor (Sydney Morning Herald and The Age)

Nick Bonyhady: roving reporter for the SMH/ The Age

Jacqueline Maley: columnist SMH/ The Age
Jamila Rizvi: Editor at large at Future Women and former Labor staffer

Subscribe to The Age or The Sydney Morning Herald

How are we doing? Get in touch with the team: [email protected] or [email protected]

It's the week where, somehow, the women of the campaign have stolen the spotlight.

With a female-studded Labor launch, a high-profile defamation case over sex-related political comments and an unlikely discussion about Bill Shorten's mum all in one week - it's apt that this episode we ask:

What do the women of Australia want? And do they have the power to sway this election?

PLUS Hear from Nick Bonyhady, who is mid-way through an epic election odyssey from Hobart to Cairns writing a blog we’re calling “Bursting the bubble”.

Tory Maguire: National Editor (Sydney Morning Herald and The Age)

Nick Bonyhady: roving reporter for the SMH/ The Age

Jacqueline Maley: columnist SMH/ The Age
Jamila Rizvi: Editor at large at Future Women and former Labor staffer

Subscribe to The Age or The Sydney Morning Herald

How are we doing? Get in touch with the team: [email protected] or [email protected]

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