Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has handed down his first, and possibly last, federal budget.  

It's the earliest budget on record, with Scott Morrison expected to kick off the election campaign as early as this weekend.

On Please Explain this week -  Tory Maguire chats to senior economics reporters Jess Irvine, Shane Wright and chief political correspondent David Crowe about whether this budget is "just throwing large numbers around" with a "no voter left behind" ideology.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has handed down his first, and possibly last, federal budget.  

It's the earliest budget on record, with Scott Morrison expected to kick off the election campaign as early as this weekend.

On Please Explain this week -  Tory Maguire chats to senior economics reporters Jess Irvine, Shane Wright and chief political correspondent David Crowe about whether this budget is "just throwing large numbers around" with a "no voter left behind" ideology.