After more than a decade of climate wars in this country, the Morrison government appears on the verge of locking in a target of net zero emissions by 2050 to take to the Glasgow climate summit.

But the Nationals haven’t made the process easy, with threats MPs could quit federal cabinet or even cross the floor.

Today on Please Explain, chief political correspondent David Crowe joins Bianca Hall to discuss the junior Coalition partner’s horse-trading over emissions reductions.

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After more than a decade of climate wars in this country, the Morrison government appears on the verge of locking in a target of net zero emissions by 2050 to take to the Glasgow climate summit.

But the Nationals haven’t made the process easy, with threats MPs could quit federal cabinet or even cross the floor.

Today on Please Explain, chief political correspondent David Crowe joins Bianca Hall to discuss the junior Coalition partner’s horse-trading over emissions reductions.

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