Three more sleeps to go. As the election campaign enters its death rattle stage, exclusive polling for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age has revealed the race is tight.

Labor’s primary vote has sunk dramatically from 34 to 31 per cent in the latest Resolve Strategic survey. Meanwhile, the Coalition’s primary vote – who voters would mark with a ‘1’ at the ballot box – rose slightly to 34 per cent.

The remainder of Australians intend to vote for an independent, the Greens or smaller parties.

The polling took place from last Thursday to this Tuesday, a period which spanned Morrison’s criticism of Albanese as a ‘loose unit’ on the economy and the Coalition’s Sunday announcement of a policy to allow younger Australians to withdraw up to $50,000 to help fund a home purchase.

Meanwhile, a costings brawl is brewing over the total cost of the parties’ election pledges.

Today on Please Explain, chief political correspondent David Crowe joins Jess Irvine to discuss what it could mean on election day.

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