This week on PDSMiOS, we entered a world of virtual reality and landscaping with the movie The Lawnmower Man from 1992! Mild mannered Jobe (Jeff Fahey) becomes the lab rat of Dr Angelo (Pierce Brosnan) who really wants Virtual Reality to work out. Like, real bad. I know what you're saying, we have the Gear VR and the Optimus Rip or whatever nowadays; but back in the day? VR was just a headache with graphics on par Minecraft, if Minecraft was made by a baby. But one of themes of this movie is technology and how it seems to leap and bound every year into new territory. It's only a matter of time before YOU, THE LISTENER, are left behind. Actually, I think the only lesson this movie has to teach us is that sometimes you just need to take your wife to the city ok?;=1006s

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The Lawnmower Man (1992)

Directed by Brett Leonard

Written by Brett Leonard and Gimel Everett


Jeff Fahety as Jobe

Pierce Brosnan as Dr Angelo

Jennie Wright as Marnie

Mark Bringleson as Timms

Geoffrey Lewis as Terry

Jeremy Slate as Father McKeen

Dean Norris as The Director

Austin O'Brian as Peter

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