This week, we watched Groundhog Day, because damn it sometimes you just have to watch a good movie.

This week, we watched Groundhog Day, because dang it sometimes you just have to watch a good movie.

This week, we watched Groundhog Day, a time loop master class in comedy. Bill Murray is an asshole.

This week, we watched Groundhog Day, a time loop master class in comedy. Bill Murray is a man with a lot of room for improvement. It isn't until he realize that he's in love with Ned Ryerson that he is able to really change for the good.

This week, we watched a comedy and time-loop classic, Looper, starring Bill Murray and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

We watched Groundhog Day. Its really good. Please excuse the extra bumps in the audio. Our cat was on the table and like a doofus I let him stay there. Sigh.

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