Previous Episode: S1E1: To a Certain Extent
Next Episode: Death and Destruction

The Prompt:

Create a 600 word story in the fantasy genre about a loving grandfather which should include a ripped up bank note.  Also use the sentence  - "Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension."

The Story:

I haven’t been here in years. Nobody has that I’m aware of. But I guess that’s what happens when we spend our lives going from place to place without ever calling somewhere home. Except for this place. I called it home once, if only for a moment, a long time ago.

I’m here now though. I made my way back once I ran out of places to ruin and people to steal from. But you have to do what you can to survive sometimes.

The basement was always my least favorite part of this house. There are sounds that take you back in time, and the sound of silence down here is one of them — a hollow, low tone like a thousand seashells held up to my ear.

I don’t even know why I’m down here now. What do I think I’m going to find? There’s nothing useful here, and if there ever was, it’s been long gone.

I’m going to look through this old chest and then I’m out of here. I can’t stay.

 The chest belonged to my grandfather. I was young when he died so I don’t recall much about him. My father would tell me stories about him helping every vagabond who wandered through. Which there was plenty of after, well, everything. 

An envelope seems to have fallen out of the lid of the chest. The lining is worn and must have released it from its hiding place. It’s old but surprisingly intact. Written on the envelope in faint ink is my grandmother’s name.

I peel open the envelope. The adhesive wore off ages ago so there’s no struggle and no need for more noise. I pull out a single folded piece of paper, carefully opening it to avoid tearing. It’s addressed to her. Dated July 15, 2157.


Dear Amy,

Do you remember the first thing you ever said to me? 

  “Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension?”

You were beautiful and I was an absolute wreck. After all these years I guess things haven’t changed. You’ve always been that way. Confident. Strong. I’ve spent our lives together just trying to catch up. 

 I guess now I have the chance.

 I panicked. They arrived before any of us could prepare and they started taking people. In the middle of the night. Entire families were being torn apart. People were disappearing. They told us the solar alliance was secure and we were safe. They lied to us.

I took the banknote we were going to use for Jimmy’s school and was going to trade it in for safe passage off-planet. But I only had enough for one. I was going to escape and leave you and the boys here. Because I’m scared. Because nothing makes sense and I needed to save myself. I’m sorry.

I wasn’t able to be there when you needed me. And now you’re gone. With any luck, you’re dead, and not a captive of the Lacertilia.

Amy, I’m hoping you’ll forgive me, wherever you are. I swear I’ll make things right. I’ll do everything I can to make you proud.

Yours forever, 



As I unfolded the last bit of letter, small shreds of paper fell to the floor. A torn up bank note lay at my feet. I reached down to collect the pieces when I felt something change. The low tone of silence in my ears was gone. Replaced by the sound of hissing, followed by light footsteps and the sound of a dragging tail.

I knew I shouldn’t have stayed for so long. Their hearing is impeccable.