“Ladies and Gentlemen, Werewolves, Vampires and Merfolk. This is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard. Our flight to New Transylvania will take 18 years, 1 month and 22 days.” 




“We have now reached cruising velocity which means your flight attendants will be coming by to set up each of your cryo chambers. Please be patient as they assist your fellow passengers.”


Emma is 35 years old. She works a steady job, owns a home and once each month turns into a monstrous creature and roams the countryside. 


All in all, she’s living a comfortable life. But Emma has grown tired of her mundane routines.


During a memorable New Year’s Eve party at the home of a notorious werewolf, Emma decided that to live her life to the fullest she would need to throw caution to the wind and just say “Yes.”


Everytime a vampire asks to enter her home she’ll say “Yes.”


The next time a Mummy wants his dead priestess lover to possess her, she’ll say “Yes.”


She’ll howl at a half moon, run with a pack and hunt until the sun rises.


When she saw an ad for an airline that will take her to New Transylvania, she immediately knew this was her chance to try something completely new. 


This was going to be Emma’s best year yet.


And for the first time in weeks Emma has decided to say “NO.”


“No. Nononono. I’ve made a mistake. Excuse me! I shouldn’t be here!”


The flight attendant approaches Emma’s seat, “ Ma’am, I’m going to need you to calm down.”


Emma leapt to her feet, hitting the elbow of the Gorgon in front of her, causing their glasses to fall from their face - causing the Mummy they were speaking with to turn to stone.


“But I shouldn’t be on this flight!” Emma pleads, shoving her ticket into the hands of the flight attendant. 


The attendant takes a deep breath and looks into Emma’s eyes. A calm comes over her as her breathing slows and her heart rate returns to normal.


“Ma’am, your ticket has this flight and this seat listed on it. You are supposed to be here,” the flight attendant states, handing the ticket back to Emma. “Now, if you would calm down and relax we can get your chamber going.”


The flight attendant helps Emma back into her seat, fastening the seat belt and placing her head gently into the restraints.


“But, what about my family?” Emma asks. “What about my life? I’m leaving everything behind.”


“That’s right,” the flight attendant says. “We’re all leaving our lives behind. And in 18 years, 1 month and 22 days we’ll have something new.”


The flight attendant slowly closes the glass door of Emma’s chamber. She turns a few dials and pushes a large red button. 


A heavy gas fills the chamber around Emma as she hears the voice of the pilot one more time.


“As the final chambers are being closed I would like to thank you for flying Mythos Air, where nightmares go to escape.”