Charlie Weaver spends the first part of every morning lying in bed staring at his ceiling, contemplating life and admiring the swirl patterns. There’s the old lady that hovers above his nightstand. The head of a large parrot situated above his feet. A cow positioned above the dresser. A crow perched high above his window.

However, the pattern he spends most time admiring is the one living in the corner above his lamp. He has named this pattern ‘The Gentleman’ due to his top hat and monocle.

“Good morning, sir,” says Charlie to The Gentleman.

“Good morning, young Charles,” The Gentleman responds. “How are you on this lovely morning?”

“Oh, I’m doing fine,” says Charlie.

“Just fine? Sounds to me like you have more to say than you are letting on,” replies The Gentleman.

“I don’t know,” Charlie begins, “I feel like I could be doing more with my life. Like I’m stuck in one place and can’t escape.”

There is a long pause before both Charlie and The Gentleman burst out into uproarious laughter. 

“Oh, Charles,” says The Gentleman, “I do love your sense of humor. What fantastical plans do you have for yourself today?”

Charlie takes some time to think about his plans. Afterall there are so many options in the world and he doesn’t want to choose just anything. The previous day took him to the deepest jungles of Brazil — an adventure he almost didn’t escape. Last April, Charlie spent an afternoon sunbathing at the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

“Maybe I’ll start with a balloon ride over Paris,” begins Charlie, “I hear the view above the Eiffel Tower is wonderful this time of year. I’ll then fly the balloon over the English Channel, watching the boats embark on their own voyages to places unknown. Once we’ve reached England I’ll take a train to the Palace. The Queen always loves my visits”

“Do give her my best regards,” says The Gentleman.

“After tea with Her Majesty, I’ll visit the countryside. It has been some time since I’ve walked the rolling hills and heard the birds calling.”

“It is a beautiful sound,” The Gentleman chimes in.

“It certainly is,” Charlie says, contemplating his plans.

When you have been to as many wonderful places and lived an adventurous life as Charlie Weaver has, thinking about where you are going to go can be as exciting as going to those places. Taking this time to consider his options is Charlie’s best bet for having the absolute best day.

“Have you considered staying in today?” asks The Gentleman.

Charlie turns to The Gentleman, his brow furrowed in thought. It’s been many years since he has stayed in for a day. The thought of it hasn’t crossed his mind in ages. With so much to see in the world, who can possibly think of staying in? Not to mention all the terrible things that occur when one does.

“You remember the last time I stayed in,” Charlie whispers, turning his head to the door making sure there is no one else present for this conversation.

The last time Charlie decided not to go on an adventure, his day was filled with the most terrible events. There was the lightning storm first thing in the morning. The afternoon was replete with shambling zombies. At dinner time he was tricked into playing mind games with the evilest of wizards. During the evening, the sun went black and the air was so cold he thought he would never feel anything again.

“No sir, I am definitely not staying in again,” Charlie piped up with utmost confidence. “I’ve made my decision. It’s balloons over Paris and tea with the Queen for today.”

“Excellent choice, Charles. It sounds like you have a most splendid day planned for yourself.”

Charlie lifts his chin as a surge of pride comes over him. He’s planned out the perfect day once again. A task only Charlie Weaver could have possibly accomplished.

“Could you call for my butler and have him make arrangements for the day’s events and bring me my best coat,” Charlie says to The Gentleman.

“It would be my pleasure, Charles,” The Gentleman responds.

At that moment there’s a knock on the door of Charlies’ room. A man in a white uniform enters carrying a white jacket. 

“It’s time for your morning treatment, Mr. Weaver,” says the man as he slides the sleeves of a straight jacket onto Charlies’ arms and tightens the buckles.

As Charlie leaves he looks over his shoulder at The Gentleman, gives him a smile and a quick nod, before the door closes behind him.