In this episode, Paul reflects on a fire conversation he had with Ryan Miller, the visionary leader at Pentium Capital Partners and also a host of one of the top podcasts in the world, Making Billions.  

Paul discusses the pivotal role of relationships and reputation in finance and investments. He underscores the necessity of trust, authenticity, and a sense of purpose for achieving financial success and personal development. He advocates for introspection and actively seeking feedback to enhance one's reputation in the industry.

Key Takeaways

Trust is essential in finance, and it's built through consistent, transparent actions and genuine care for others.Authenticity is critical for success in finance; staying true to your values helps build a strong, positive reputation.Regular self-assessment and seeking feedback are important for personal growth and improving how others perceive you.Success in finance is about building meaningful relationships and maintaining integrity, not just achieving monetary gains.

In This Episode:

[0:11] Building authentic relationships[01:15] The two R's: relationships and reputation[03:39] Self-assessment and seeking feedback[04:38] Feedback for improvement

Notable Quotes

[02:02] "We are only as good as our relationships and our reputation." - Paul[02:07] “Trust is the currency by which the world moves." – Paul[05:51] "Reputation and relationships are the drivers of how we can make not just monetary wealth, but surround ourselves with winners." -Paul

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Paul Epstein

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