Previous Episode: The Purpose Economy

Overcoming Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

How the things we think about ourselves can either hold us back or propel us toward our ultimate potential.


“One question I always ask people when they’re unhappy and they’re not going after what they want: How is this serving you? What is this costing you?” —Sue Ann Gonis


Sue Ann Gonis has held senior leadership positions at major organizations for over 25 years, including as global internal executive coach for a Fortune 50 company. She’s coached more than 700 executives and clients to enhance their influence and impact, all in the spirit of creating more prosperity, balance, and fulfillment in their careers and lives. She’s worked with clients that include Amazon, the Walt Disney Company, Apple, Google, and more.

Learn more about Sue Ann Gonis:



One thing that always seems to get in the way of our progress is self-limiting beliefs. Sometimes we all need someone in our corner to say that they believe in us, somebody to validate the thought that we can have that special moment when we realize there’s something more for us. Today’s conversation will shine a light on self-limiting beliefs, take action to dig ourselves out of that rut, and then take action and unleash our impact. And we’re going to do it with the person that did exactly that for Paul himself— Sue Ann Gonis.



Sue Ann’s ‘Why’

Sue Ann explores why she does what she does

When it comes to coaching people to remove their self-limiting beliefs, Sue Ann calls the moment that those limitations are broken through her ‘why.’ It’s worth reflecting for yourself— what’s your ‘why’?


$10 Million in the Bank

What would you do without financial limitations?

Want to know what your true passion is? Take a moment to imagine you have $10 million to your name. Would you pursue what you’re pursuing now? It doesn’t mean that financial considerations shouldn’t be a factor in your life decisions, it’s just a powerful exercise that can help you identify what you truly want to be doing.


Doing and Being

What you do versus who you are

If you want to reach the core of your motivations, passions, drives, and values, go deeper than what you do and why. Ask yourself about the who behind it all. Who is the person that leads you to make the choices you make, to pursue the passions you pursue?


Putting People First

We remember the people who think of others before themselves

What makes a great leader is that they put others first. They make it obvious, and that knowledge makes everyone around them want to work harder, be more selfless, and feel more protected by their work environment. 


The Simple Power of Compassion

Don’t sweat the small stuff— just love people

If 2020 taught us anything, it was the importance of having compassion for the people around us. Recognize that the people around you are doing the best they can in the moment with the circumstances they have and look for ways to uplift or support them.


Sue Ann’s Favorite book

The Last Word on Power, by Tracy Goss

Sue Ann recommends The Last Word on Power, a book by another coach that explores how we all develop a supposedly ‘winning strategy,’ and how sticking only to that strategy can often be the thing that holds us back the most in life. 


[00:28] -- Purpose Labs[04:33] -- Sue Ann’s Website[49:01] -- About Jerre Stead[52:27] -- The Last Word on Power[55:38] -- Positive Intelligence[55:52] -- Flex: The Art and Science of Leadership in a Changing World


We all have at least one self-limiting belief. The key is, do we know what it is? Do we know what it’s standing in the way of, and what are we going to do about it?

It’s time to identify one goal that you have in life that you’ve struggled to take action on achieving. Now put some thought into what exactly is getting in the way. This will lead you to your self-limiting beliefs. Are there anxieties surrounding the goal, whether they be personal, financial, or otherwise?

Now that you’ve identified the goal and identified the hurdles, it’s time to identify one action that you can take to get a step closer to achieving the goal. Just one. Start there and see how your impact is unleashed.

We'd love to hear how your experience is with this exercise. Feel free to DM me on social or shoot me an email [email protected].

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Playmakers: Impact Unleashed is an all-access pass to the game-changers of today and the history makers of tomorrow. The show looks past the trophy cabinet and features a no-BS, inside look into the world of comeback, transformation, and impact unearthing practical tools and mindsets that we can all leverage to make a play in our own lives and careers.

Take a seat at the table with leadership expert, sports industry veteran, #1 bestselling author, personal transformation coach, purpose igniter, and your host Paul Epstein in this inspiring, yet immediately actionable podcast. From stories of total defeat to the thrills of unimaginable achievement to the practices of mastering the inside game, each show will share a high-energy, prescriptive blueprint to unleash impact and drive success, significance, and purpose no matter your starting point.

Meet Paul at the 50 and make a play together!

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As a nod to the past, Motown Podcast Studios leverages modern versions of Motown’s processes to launch today’s most compelling podcasts. What Motown was to musical artists, Motown Podcast Studios is to podcast artists today. 

With over 75 combined years of experience in content development, audio production, music scoring, storytelling, and digital marketing, Motown Podcast

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Paul Epstein may not be a hard charging running back on the actual football field, but his list of high-profile wins in the world of sports will have you thinking that he could be.

Paul has spent nearly 15 years as a pro sports executive for multiple NFL and NBA teams, a global sports agency, and the NFL league office. He’s transformed numerous NBA teams from the absolute bottom in league revenue to top-two in financial performance. He’s broken every premium revenue metric in Super Bowl history as the NFL’s sales leader. He’s opened a billion-dollar stadium, helped save the New Orleans NBA franchise, and founded the San Francisco 49ers Talent Academy.

He's since installed his leadership and high-performance playbook with Fortune 500 leaders, Founders and CEOs, MBAs, and professional athletes.

Now, as Founder of Purpose Labs, keynote speaker, #1 bestselling author, and host of the Playmakers: Impact Unleashed podcast, Paul explores how living and working with a focus on leadership, culture, and purpose can transform organizations and individuals anywhere to unleash their full potential.

Learn more about Paul at PaulEpsteinSpeaks.comOrder Paul’s new book The Power of Playing Offense


Paul Epstein: Host | [email protected]Connor Trombley: Executive Producer | [email protected]

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