Episode five was recorded before the wedding and only released a week after it had concluded. In Lara's vows she explicitly wished for Sean and her to stay together forever, or something like that. I viewed it more as a demand, which I attribute to Cyril Ramaphosa initiating a nation-wide lockdown. So, thanks for that Lara.

Some of the songs were actually played at the wedding, there was music from Nina Simone, The Imports, The Flamingos, Stargard, Hot Chocolate, and Eddie Kendricks. 

You can find more music here:

The master playlistIndie ShuffleMy SoundCloudTwitter (I won't actually do your tax return)

Backing track this week from one of my favorites, Broken Transient. His SoundCloud, his Spotify.

Playlist Obstetrics is powered by Dylan Joe, and all of your free time now that you're stuck at home ©

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