We got more bonus material for you to keep you occupied while we take a break to spend time with our loved ones or finish smiting our old enemies to make room for new ones next year.

we even have bonus content IN this bonus content. enjoy!

Merry Christmas to all, and here's Mike's own poem. Let us know if you read this

Twas the night before christmas when all through the club
All the players were playing, while sippin on bub
Kid Rock on the speakers and I in my booth
Getting a table dance free, by my girl, "100 proof"

When all of a sudden there rose such a clatter
I tossed her aside to see what was the matter
Away to the floor we ran like the flash
Tore open our wallets and pulled out our cash!

The size of the breasts on this newly hired ho
Gave rush to the blood of our parts down below
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a mini