We got a badass over here. Video game champion Isiah Triforce Johnson is here in Skype, though due to scheduling issues Ben couldn't join us. We discuss ways to legitimize the the SNES Superscope, and possibly our own podcast.

00:30 - Cover, Inside, Table of Contents. We also discuss cool prizes the fans asked for, and a LEGIT costume photo sent by a fan.

18:30 - Empire Strikes Back - Not the super version, not even a good version. Mike finds porn immediately. We immediately skipped to Terminator 2 Judgement day. Too bad this wasn't SNES. And Nightshade is a Maniac Mansion monochromatic mimicry.

29:30 - M.C Kids. Not Mc, These kids are MC's.


35:00 - Classified Information featuring Captain Planet and Actraiser. Triforce makes an executive decision.

39:00 - Mega man (takes a number) 2 for the Gameboy.  and the jokes start coming out.  by jokes i mean shit games. and the wretched things we