Previous Episode: The Player 2 Pixelcast 041

The Player 2 Pixelcast 042 It is now September and while both Microsoft and Sony swear blind that they have

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The Player 2 Pixelcast 042

It is now September and while both Microsoft and Sony swear blind that they have new systems coming, we are not quite so sure. Pixelcast old heads Matt, Tim and Ken take a look at exactly what we know, what we don’t know and what we need to know before committing to new systems in November. Is there enough to be excited about? Is there enough to encourage a purchase? Are both companies mental for trying to release a console in this, the hell year? These are the questions the crew attempts to answer with little to no success.

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Games:  Wasteland 3, Cloudpunk, Invictus: Lost Soul

Theme Music: Visitors from Dreams (by Mathieu Stempell Dma-Sc)

Break Music: Siren Synapse by Alexander Brandon, Big Giant Circles


Matt “Still Buying Both” Hewson

Tim “Only Buying One” Henderson

Ken ” PC for Me” Lee

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