Jeff and Mick chat with Rebecca Sansom, founder and artist manager at Blonde Artist Management; and Celeste Krishna, pop-rock artist and producer.

First up, Mick interviews pop-rock artist Celeste Krishna, whose song, “Come On and Move Me,” was featured on NBC’s show “Good Girls." During the interview, she talks about the differences between singing and producing, how she chooses who to collaborate with, her favorite (and least favorite) aspects of being both an artist and a producer, and what qualities make for a great manager in today's music space.

Next, Jeff interviews Celeste's manager, Rebecca Sansom, who founded Blonde Artist Management. She discusses her perspective on artist management, how that role plays into an artist's career and more.

Then, the four make their picks for FanLabel's “Hot New Music” Best of Five Challenge.

For more on Celeste Krishna, visit her artist page on, and follow her on Spotify and Instagram @celeste_krishna.For more on Rebeca Sansom and Blonde Artist Management, stay up-to-date with the latest via Twitter @BlondeArtMGMT and Instagram @blondeartistmgmt.