In this week’s music-themed episode, Gabby talks about composing music for death in video games with musicians Rich Vreeland, also known as Disasterpeace (FEZ, It Follows, Hyper Light Drifter), Robby Duguay (Fate Tectonics, We Are Doomed), and Jim Guthrie (Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery, Below).

The music used in this episode is from the movie It Follows and the games Hyper Light Drifter, Fez, Fate Tectonics, and Sword and Sworcery, and was written and composed by Rich, Robby, and Jim, respectively.

Correction: This episode incorrectly credits Robby Duguay as the “composer and sound designer of Fate Tectonics.” Robby Duguay is the composer. Jen Costa is the Sound Designer for Fate Tectonics.