Rabbi Dave is Joined by the newly minted Jedi Knight Rod who recently joined the Church of the Jedi to ask a few questions, which is what goliards do.
Were the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by an air burst weapon, ala Tunguska? A recent scientific paper says that it happened just that way. But don't just follow that science quite so fast!
No one ever expects the Ninjas. Especially in the middle of the night on on a Special Forces base in California. And in the great tradition of the "white Canvas" art movement, a Danish artist has decided that the best art is the art of theft.
In 1944 a US Airborne trooper did his wounded buddy a solid. Years later he discovered that his actions that day had become legendary. And delicious.
We have a bunch of new listeners thanks to the comic strip Day by Day, which will feature the show this week.