Watching the ongoing screeching over the Arizona election Audit has only served to prove my point: (a) you will never overturn the election results and (b) you’re pissing people who might otherwise listen to you off.

My grandparents and my mother used to say “You’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” It’s one of those Ye Olde “sermons in a Sentence” that we all know, but rarely stop to consider. Unless you happen to be in the PR bizz.

A long time ago, two groups had a year long and quite bitter “debate” (18th Century for “argument”) over how to govern the country. Our general understanding of things today is that one side won and one side lost the debate.

Today we face yet another great debate (argument) which pits us against each other, even on the same side of things. Will we realize that in 1789 neither Federalist nor Anti-federalist “won” outright?