In the ongoing struggle between liberty and conformity, we have seen in the past year plus the idea that some people should be forced to just shut up. look, that’s been going on for a while, but not with the seeming fervor that has come into play this time around.

Now, San Diego County has waded in to the debate, announcing that from henceforth, medical misinformation is a “health crises.” That is to say that somebody, in this case the CDC, has the sole authority to decide what is valid information and what is not.

In 1733 a German immigrant to the American Colonies, published copies of a newspaper to express his disagreement with the official information being promulgated by the new Colonial Governor. He was charged with libel, for expressing his opinion. And he would go down in our forgotten history as a symbol of free speech and press…

No nation ancient or modern ever lost the liberty of freely speaking, writing, or publishing their sentiments, but forthwith lost their liberty in general and became slaves.

– John Peter Zenger, The New York Weekly Journal, 11/12/1733