Previous Episode: War

TRIGGER WARNING – The Crazy Haired One is gonna tell you some things that you don’t want to hear this morning. If you don’t like it, fine. But trust me, you DO NOT want to hear this… – Producer Henri

Look, I hope that I am 100% wrong. I’m not, but it wouldn’t bother me at all if I were to be wrong about this.

That said, I have some thought about this USSR-Ukraine war, and I’m pessimistic about it. If you think that the Ukes are going to stand up against the NeoSoviets and thrill the world with their stunning victory over the communists, you’re delusional.

They may slow it down, but that only increases the chances of really bad things happening. That doesn’t make me “pro-Putin,” it makes me a pragmatist.

In any case, trust me on here, the Democrat Party is beating the drums and waving the flag because this war is the BEST thing that they could possibly have hoped would happen…