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Look… an Article V Convention of the States is absolutely doomed to fail. Even IF you managed to actually get such a convention convened and even IF you managed to get a consensus for proposed amendments, you’ll never get 3/4’s of the rest of the States to approve them.

Why do I say this? Because those who call for such a thing are assuming a fact not in evidence. Put aside that nobody actually knows what such an Article V Convention would even look like or what the precise sequence of it would be, or how you could get an agreed upon agenda. There is one last major fact that cannot be overcome.

And we find that same problem when it comes to other arguments. The position of some is that “we taxpayers” have the final say about what a School system must do because we are the taxpayers. We don’t like an idea, we want it banned, and they must listen to us because we are the taxpayers.

And yet you can’t get around the fact that the same reason that an Article V Convention won’t work is the same point that is missing from the argument over banning CRT by shouting “We are the Taxpayers…!”