By now you already know about the Hunter Biden laptop story. The whole thing smells like… well… a New York Post exclusive.

Facebook and Twitter have decided to “limit” the stories “reach,” which would be really offensive if anybody not named “Kardashian” actually had any “reach” in the first place. Conservatives have reacted with predictable outrage and snark, claiming that the Social Media giants, Facebook and Twitter (and now YouTube) are engaging in monopolistic censorship and suppression of free speech.

I will be the first to admit that the story has an interesting and far-fetched life. From the arrival of the laptops at the store to the publishing of the story, it’s the kind of story that makes a lousy spy novel. I also know that people are amazingly stupid, especially when it comes to security. Is it possible that Hunter Biden is that dumb? Yes.

Is it likely? I don’t know. What I do know is that this is one of the biggest examples of the Streisand Effect in recent memory.

I also know is that there is a difference between vetting a story and suppressing a story. What do I mean?

Well… what will Facebook and Twitter (and YouTube) do IF the story checks out as 100% true?