Previous Episode: WTF: Patterns
Next Episode: WTF: May 19, 1726

Around three in the morning on May 13, 1862, the lookouts aboard a Union Naval vessel blockading Charleston Harbor was surprised to see a vessel bearing down upon his ship. Sounding the alarm, the gun ports were opened and all was brought to preparation to open fire. It was then that the lookout noticed that the ship approaching wasn’t coming on too fast and flying from it’s mast appeared to be a white… bed sheet?

When the vessel came up to the Union ship, it was clear that it intended to surrender. What became clear at that moment was the incredible man piloting the vessel was not your average Confederate looking to get away. It was a black man – in fact an escaped slave – who had escaped, along with his entire crew, their families and this valuable vessel.

And that was really only the beginning of the story…