In this episode of Dave Does History on Bill Mick Live, historian Dave Bowman takes listeners on a deep dive into the War of 1812, examining the complex causes and significant consequences of the conflict. The discussion covers the war’s origins, including British impressment of American sailors, trade restrictions, and territorial disputes involving Native American tribes. Bowman explains how the war fostered a sense of national unity and identity, despite initial American setbacks such as the surrender at the Siege of Detroit. Key battles, including the naval victory at Lake Erie and the Battle of New Orleans, are highlighted for their strategic importance and impact on American morale. The episode also addresses the burning of Washington, D.C., and the eventual peace established by the Treaty of Ghent. Through this detailed exploration, Bowman illustrates the war’s profound influence on America’s diplomatic and military strategies, as well as its cultural legacy, including the inspiration for “The Star-Spangled Banner.”