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As the summer begins to warm the streets of Philadelphia, the temperatures inside the State House begin to rise. While most believe that the convention delegates are “united,” the truth is much, much darker. The “small” States are horrified at the Virginia Plans implications. They see it as nothing less than their compete and utter annihilation.

In fact, the ONLY unity among the delegates, is a willingness to allow for a delay in approving the Virginia Plan so as to hear and debate other plans. There are two such plans are now on the table.

South Carolina’s plan is being openly ignored by pretty much everyone, while Patterson of New Jersey proposes the only realistic counter to the Virginians. While the New Jersey plan would save the Union and keep the smaller States happy, it has a major legal problem.

As the debate intensifies, the anger and animosity explodes into pointed and frank exclamations. As Gouverneur Morris slaps Washington on the back in joy over winning an apparent debate point (against Hamilton), Elbridge Gerry will write, “unless a system of government is adopted by Compact, Force, I expect will plant the standard…”