Previous Episode: Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes

I have long said that I think that the idea of an Article V convention is never going to be a feasible thing. I truly believe that it was placed into the Constitution as a defense mechanism rather than any actual intent for use. More of a “just in case,” than the actual plan for amendment.

That said, what if I – or you – could sit down with a group of like-minded people and revise or even replace the Constitution? What would I – or you – come up with?

Even in a group of like-minded Conservative almost libertarian-leaning people, I doubt that I would find 100% agreement with a group of fifty-five people. What would be the odds that my vision, or even the rest of that small group’s vision, meshing well enough with another group that politically disagrees with me (us) in a way that might actually work?*

So what would Dave like to change in the Constitution? What would you like to see changed or revised?

*Better than 1 in a quadrillion, I am guessing