At a recent Television Town Hall, the President of the United States informed us that the vaccine mandates "are working," and that some ninety percent or more are getting the vaccine. That leaves the unvaxxed people who are "just trying to make this a political issue" and who say "I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID. I mean, come on..."
The real issue here is that, like most modern American, Joe Biden doesn't comprehend the concept of liberty. There really is no reason to be surprised by that, it's a part of the general malaise that has affected most Americans in the last one hundred and twenty years.
There is a reason that the President and those who believe as he does never mention the word "liberty." And there is a reason when the President of the United States talks about "freedom," he speaks in mocking terms.
But ask yourself a simple question: In more than half a century in government, what specifically has Joe Biden done to either protect freedom or "to secure the blessings of liberty?"