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Bruce Springsteen� �The Boss,� as he is for some reason known, was arrested back in November, before his Superb Owl JEEP commercial demanding that everybody love everybody, for DWI and a few other alcohol related charges, most of which remind me that all drunks are a-holes.

I guess that the good news is that now that all the charges (except one) have been �dropped,� the Superb Owl commercial will refill the airwaves, reminding us plebes that those who don�t think as he does are still the biggest problem with this nation.

The bigger issue at hand though, is how those charges got �dropped� in the face of some pretty overwhelming � albeit circumstantial � evidence.  Would you or I have been able to get that deal?

Of course not. But now that the new methodology for beating a DWI is out there, what will those charged and Constitutionally obligated to protect justice actually do?