Previous Episode: War Crimes

I said this some weeks ago, but stop telling me how “slam dunk” the polls say that the midterms are going to be. I have long had a political mantra that I find myself repeating a lot. It’s simply this:

“Never underestimate the ability of the GOP to screw things up.”

I get it, Joe Biden is a disaster. But hey… no mean tweets! The problem is that the average voter might believe that, but the people who actually decided that Joe Biden would be President do not. They don’t care about tweets, mean or otherwise. They care about power, and they will use whatever marketing campaign they can to hold on that power.

And now… it’s the front page of the New York Times and the Washington Post.

“But Dave, you will cry,” Those are the “media,” and we all know that they lie…”

Ignore them at your own peril. I am not saying that they are correct, but I am saying that the same people who crave power are using them to market the idea that I told you was coming about weeks back. And now… it’s the front page of the New York Times and the Washington Post.