Live ftom first ever ALL BBW VOYEUR LIVE CAM HOUSE the legendary Madame Trixie returns to radio with BBW queen Platinum Puzzy to speak candidly about the adult industry, bbw activism and general open discussion topics.  These confident power house women represent curve confidence to the fullest and inspire women across the world to accept their bodies "as is" and love themselves.  Positive energy with a twist of "REAL" worldly issues will make this a unique show you have to listen to!  

Today's topic is "Professionalism in the adult industry - is it a myth or just an old school practice?"

You have industry beef's much like in rap, where people form alliances and enemies.  Even with having both professional and personal situations occur, there is a demeanor in which you represent among your peers.  Is professionalism dead?  What do YOU stand for?  What is YOUR definition of professionalism? 

Tune in to hear Madame Trixie and Platinum Puzzy discuss their definition of professionalism and examples of how the industry has lost it's ability to represent a level of professionalism even in a world of sin.  

We will be taking calls as well as reading comments and questions from our twitter @PlatinumPRadio