This week on the No.1 PlayStation Podcast in the Oceania's: how is PSVR going? What is Injustice 2 like?

This week Dylan is joined by Ashley, Tom, and Nick to discuss Injustice 2 and why it's so similar to Doctor Who. Tom drops his thoughts on the latest plastic toy for your gaming wardrobe, the Aim controller, and its main selling point Farpoint. Plus, how is PSVR going? Nearly a year in and with E3 on the horizon, how is it being treated, and what could Sony do to improve upon its sales and marketing?


This week's cast:

Ashley Hobley @ashleyhobley

Dylan Blight @vivaladil

Jack Kruse @Krusey_mate

Jono Pech @JonoHimself

Nicholas Prior @LordNPrior

Thomas Marshall @TomDaBom89



