Building a business with the end in mind is the topic of today’s discussion. It’s very disheartening, as a business owner, to get to the end of your business to only find out that you don’t have enough value in your business to exit. My guest, Achille Ekeu, President, and CEO of the Washington Evaluation […]

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Building a business with the end in mind is the topic of today’s discussion. It’s very disheartening, as a business owner, to get to the end of your business to only find out that you don’t have enough value in your business to exit. My guest, Achille Ekeu, President, and CEO of the Washington Evaluation Group, will help us understand the importance of having and knowing your business’ value as you build and grow your business.

Achille has more than 20 years of experience in the Financial Services Industry, specifically the banking industry where he worked at various positions and ended up acting as Regional manager, Vice President and Branch Manager with both Chevy Chase Bank and PNC Bank. He led a region of over 150 employees with a total deposit base of over $500 million as an acting regional manager at PNC Bank. Following his passion for business’ valuations, Achille decided to leave the retail banking business to pursue a business valuation career. Following his certification, he rebranded his firm from A.E. Financial Consulting Group, LLC to The Washington Valuation Group, LLC to better reflect the services he

Questions I Asked Achille:

Why are business valuations important in terms of growing your business?
When should a company consider getting a business valuation?
What exactly is a business valuation and what’s the process of getting one conducted?
What sort of things add to a business’ value?
What documents should business owners collect, compile, and maintain on a regular basis?

Anytime is a good time to begin determining what you want to achieve, start setting your goals, and go after them. - Achille EkeuTweet This
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

How Achille helps business owners measure their goals.
Why a business owner should track their progress in their business.
The difference between pricing and valuing.
How often a company should have a business valuation.
How long it takes to get a business valuation.

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The post The Importance of Business Valuation to Business Ownership – Interview with Achille Ekeu P2P: 042 appeared first on Anavo Transformation LLC.