[00:00:40] Hello and welcome to this episode of Plateau to Profits. A business podcast designed to help you, the CEO get beyond the plateau in your business and position for Growth scalability sustainability and profitability. I am your host Lisa Anderson’s strategic business advisor and virtual CFO with a Anavo Transformation Solutions. Welcome to our […]

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[00:00:40] Hello and welcome to this episode of Plateau to Profits. A business podcast designed to help you, the CEO get beyond the plateau in your business and position for Growth scalability sustainability and profitability. I am your host Lisa Anderson’s strategic business advisor and virtual CFO with a Anavo Transformation Solutions. Welcome to our anniversary edition of Plateaued to Profits and Wow.
[00:01:08] Ha ha. Oh what a difference a year makes. I am just over the top and very excited to be celebrating one full year on the airwaves with this podcast.
[00:01:22] Plateau to Profits on July 6, 2016, as a means of educating the small minority and women owned business community on how to effectively scale and sustain a profitable business. And I tell you exactly what has happened how things have unfolded has been just phenomenal for me.
[00:01:46] But before I get into the statistics of our results and achievements with the with the podcast this past year I want to share with you how this podcast is really just kind of fed into and been a launching pad for me to be able to execute on what I call my lofty life goal. And that lofty life goal is to help a million small businesses achieve one million dollars or more in revenue.
[00:02:17] And again Plateau to Profits has been that tool, one of the tools that I’ve used to help achieve that objective.
[00:02:26] This first year on the air has been absolutely phenomenal. I’ve had some amazing guests help me deliver exceptional content on helping you as a business owner. Keep your pulse on your business while balancing what I call the four key areas of business which are mission marketing money and management.

Keep your pulse on your business while balancing what I call the four key areas of business which…
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[00:02:49] Those are the four key areas as CEO of your business that you need to not only just focus on one but evolve in business with as well as balance out each of those four key areas. And the podcast is designed to help you consider some strategies to help you keep those things balanced out. I want to thank each and every one of you as a loyal listener. You have been absolutely amazing. Honestly, I’m really excited to have each and every one of you listen to the podcast every single week. And I’m also excited to report that we’ve had over 3000 downloads of our podcasts since we launched this time last year and counting.
[00:03:35] So these numbers these statistics were taken towards the end of about a week from now which is the time that I’m recording this podcast and every day there are downloads that are happening but with over 3000 downloads that we’ve experienced today the average is about 270 downloads a month. And you know one thing I really really strive and push entrepreneurs and business owners to do is to you know one way to keep the pulse in your business is to monitor your numbers. Numbers tell a story and they never ever lie, and you want to make certain that you’re keeping your pulse on key indicators in your business. And for me is no one how many people are actually downloading the podcast and actually receiving some benefit from it and to realize that we have 3000 over 3000 downloads and about 270 downloads per month is phenomenal. Over the course of this past year, We’ve taped and delivered 50 awesome episodes all feel with real life business tips. I interviewed a vast of experiences and expertise and know how to include the interview I did with the Small Business Administration. If you’re not partnering with the United States Small Business Administration to help in terms of growing your business they are a wealth of information and have had the opportunity to speak with the director here in the Washington D.C. office was just a phenomenal experience. We also interview other industry experts attorneys, H.R. professional,s financial professionals, virtual assistants, lifestyle strategist, coaches and other small business owners and the feedback you are provided has kept us alive in engaged and energetic and I am so very appreciative.
[00:05:44] So just to kind of give you a recap of some of the things that we talked about over the last year. Some of our top-rated episodes included growing your business through delegation and outsourcing with the lifestyle strategist Jamie Bennett. Or the one that I did with Tara Gates on how to position your brand. Tara Gates Anderson is a brand strategist and phenomenal speaker building a culture to get beyond the plateau Paula Robinson really touched on some of the things that we need to consider as we grow our business. It is not just about bringing people into the organization and putting what I say butts in seats, but it is really about building a culture that matters in order to effectively serve your customers with excellence. Then we talked with Melodie Narain who is a fairly new business owner about the two things you need in order to guide and build a successful business. We talked with Susan Brooks about five strategies for building a million dollar business if you missed that I suggest you go to the Web site which is w w w dot a Anavo Transformation dot com and download that episode or go to iTunes and search for that episode on the plateau to profits because that was a great conversation. Candice Davis shared her expertise in terms of writing a book that drives income. Or my dear friend John Nemo who talked about the six simple steps to generating income on Linked In That’s a social media platform right now that is growing exponentially by way of being a marketing tool for businesses just across the board.
[00:07:36] One of the conversations I was kind of near and dear to my heart was the black coffee conversation that we had with John Haynes and titled courageous conversations. We all need to be able to have those in our business whether it is with a partner, a customer or even our employees. We need to be able to have those courageous conversations. And then, of course, the phenomenal expert in podcasting, Kim Doyal who is the mastermind behind helping me logistically launch this pie has she talked about profitable podcasting. And Thomas Ellis who came in at our second highest downloaded podcast talked about the nine ways to close more sales. And of course the top the number one downloaded episode of the podcast over the past year was the very first one that we launched entitled The Beginning, where I shared the launch of the podcast and when things are new people are extremely excited about it and they engage in that instance that product whatever it is that’s being launched initially they engage in it very well in the very beginning. But what I’ve noticed is people are still downloading that episode. They’re still listening to it. And so that means that it is still very relevant in the marketplace. I want to thank you all for again, just engaging and educating yourself and getting involved in the content and materials. The podcast was the steam we needed to launching other programs at a Anavo Transformation Solutions which included our strategic planning half day intensive where we are really transforming businesses from the inside out.
[00:09:32] We have helped dozens of companies over the last 12 months to successfully go through this program, map out their strategy. That covers a 90-day Action Plan all the way up through what they envision the business to be 10 years from now. We cover in that program we’ve helped establish a really get out there mission put their strategic objective on paper, building that target audience and who are they actually going to go after what is the unique proposition that they have to offer to the marketplace and what types of resources are they going to need in order in order to manage and sustain and scale a business. And then what was their pricing structure looks like.
[00:10:27] So we executed a very effectively on our strategic planning half day intensive of over the course of the past 12 months that I have to tell you I am really excited to share the fact that the average person the average business owner who has gone through this program and put in the hard work that we laid out in the action plans, has achieved an average of 400 percent growth in their business over the course of the last 12 months.
[00:10:57] And I don’t know how many other organizations can say that they’re helping companies achieve 400 percent growth in their business, but we are doing that. We also launched CSuite Elite which is a collaborative and coworking business center for women in business.
[00:11:17] The ladies who are in this space are growing by leaps and bounds. It’s all because they have a community where on the fly they can get advice about growing a business or collaborate with one another they can partner together. It’s just the energy of being able to grow a business in a community versus trying to grow a business on your own. And we just launched that in March and the results that we’re getting out of that are phenomenal. We are still looking for more business owners to join us in the space. So if you are in the Washington D.C. area and you’re looking to grow your business in a community with other like-minded business owners and again this is a collaborative co-working space for women and business, I really do encourage you to get in touch with us you can get more information about CSuite Elite by going to w w w dot C-Suite elite dot com. And then most recently within the last 90 days, we launched a virtual online community for business owners called Club Thrive and Club Thrive is really helping companies move the needle on business. It is what we call 90 days to completion on steroids. In effect, it is the combination of the strategic intensive as well as the CSuite really all in one package but online and these business owners have access to me is a strategic business adviser.
[00:12:56] Small business expert financial manager and executive coach they have instant access to me and I’m coaching them. I’m also learning from them as well. But the results we’re getting in just 90 days I have one, for example, one member of the group who’s doubled her revenues over the last quarter and she’s doubled them in just 60 days.
[00:13:24] So those are the types of results that we’re getting out of the new programs that we launched over the course of this last year. So what can you expect from Plateau to Profits moving forward? So we will be changing the format just slightly in the coming season. So not only bring you interviews with industry experts but also incorporate what I call “Ask the CFO”, where you have an opportunity to send in your pressing questions regarding business and those questions will be answered on the air. So we’re getting those.
[00:13:59] We would like to receive your questions via e-mail or you can send your questions to success at Anavo Transformation dot com.
[00:14:17] If you send us your questions in the coming weeks we will answer your questions on air.
[00:14:23] We will also be launching our YouTube version of the podcast just to be able to provide you with more platforms and ways in which you can connect with us. And then finally we will be sharing information periodically about any new programs services or initiatives that we’re launching and Anavo Transformation Solutions. We want to keep the business community informed again. Just going back to my lofty goal, life goal of helping a million achieve a million. Each year, each month practically we are looking to launch something new or different or innovative that will help you as business owners pushed the needle on your business remain balanced in your business build the equity in your business that you want to build so that one day down the road you can actually exit with a nice nest egg. We’re able to keep you in tune with what we’re offering to help you get those things launched. I would, therefore, share more ways for you to connect with us in the coming weeks.
[00:15:34] So before I wrap up this episode today I want to leave you with some words from the late Dr. Richard Carlson, who is the author of Don’t sweat the small stuff. So he says “remember that the journey to a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
[00:15:53] Sometimes when you are considering taking a new venture whether it’s raising a child writing a book starting a business or in my case launching a podcast, the task can seem overwhelming. It’s as though you will never be able to arrive at your final destination as if the first step is going to help. When you look too far out towards the horizon it seems way too difficult. You may even wonder where to begin.

Take a single step followed by another and then another. Don’t look too far into the future and…
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[00:16:26] The trick to success sounds very simplistic, but it is very simple. Just begin. Take a single step followed by another and then another. Don’t look too far into the future and don’t look too far behind you. Stay centered in the present moment and follow your simple plan. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish. I can tell you I am a living testimony of the wisdom shared by Dr. Richard Carlson a journey to a thousand miles really did begin with a single step. Today I am ever so grateful having made the first steps the second step and all the others that came behind it. I want to thank you all for listening to the podcast. It’s because of you that we continue our quest to educate the small business community. I pray that you continue to listen and I also encourage you to please let us know what you think about the podcast by leaving a review on iTunes. And finally, if you have a question or topic that you like that you would like for me to cover in the coming weeks please send an e-mail to success at Anavo Transformation that’s success at Anavo Transformation dot com. Stay tuned for some special treats during the remainder of this month as well.
[00:17:56] I will be interviewing such great names as Bob Berg who is the author of the “Go Giver” and Dr. Willie Jolley who is a phenomenal motivational speaker that is known around the world.
[00:18:13] One final word before I close out to you is to take your first step. Don’t worry about it being incomplete. Don’t worry what others will think. Most people will not follow through on their dreams and objectives. The ones who do and ultimately become successful are the ones who just simply took the first step.
[00:18:35] I want to thank you so very much for joining me on this episode of Plateaux to Profits and until next time remember, the plateau is just a platform for growth.

The post Plateau to Profits First Anniversary P2P: 051 appeared first on Anavo Transformation LLC.