Last episode, The Plastic Fangs boys were pulling a Jack London fighting the elements and age at The Mahoning Drive-In Theater for Joe Bob's Jamboree. Can they make it through extreme heat and sun, severe thunderstorms, the porta-johns after a Diablo Sandwich? But more importantly, will kinks be shamed? Find out the answers to these questions and more in the exciting conclusion of The Great American Pilgrimage Part 2! #horrorpodfam #GetBit. Please be sure to visit our friend The Mutant Mom online! And a very, very, special thank you to the staff and volunteers at The Mahoning Drive-In Theater who treated us like rock stars. This episode is dedicated to you in celebration of the "We Saved the Mahoning" event being held today. We may not be there in person, but we are forever there in spirit. The Drive-In (and more importantly The Mahoning) Will NEVER die!