Carolina Pina is the Director of WIN Lab Miami - an eight month accelerator program for women entrepreneurs which helps them to grow sustainable ventures.  Originally launched in 2013 by Babson College in Massachusetts, the program expanded to Florida in 2016 where the first round of attendees just recently finished the program.

Carolina studied Chemical Engineering in Venezuela and Industrial and Systems Engineering at FIU and attended graduate school at Rice University where she received her MBA.  She is an advisor, entrepreneur, philanthropist and the founder of Ignitus - a consulting practice that helps organizations implement social impact initiatives

After experiencing gender inequality early in her career she knew she wanted to get involved with helping to empower women to become entrepreneurs, shatter the glass ceiling and eliminate the disparity in pay that still exists between men and women.  Listen in to find out why Carolina is giving us all permission to fail.

We hope you enjoy the conversation,

Jeanette & Alex

For behind the scenes photos, show notes and more visit

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