According to Felecia Hatcher-Pearson's high school guidance counselor, she shouldn't be the person she is today.  She was an average student who never enjoyed school but nonetheless discovered her entrepreneurial spirit early on. Felecia has gone on to become a White House award-winning social entrepreneur, business rainmaker, author, globally sought-after speaker, media darling, mother, and co-founder of Code Fever Miami and BlackTech Week.

In short, she's a go-getter.  She started running her first company out of her college dorm room at Lynn University at age 19 by teaching "C" students how they could apply and earn scholarships to go to college.  She worked in experiential marketing for years with popular and well known brands such as Walgreens and Nintendo which proved to be helpful when she created Feverish  - a high-end popsicle company that infused flavors adults would love.  And she started these companies not because she was an expert in those fields (she knew nothing about the food industry when she started Feverish) but because the entrepreneurial spirit and hands-on approach was always inside of her.

But that doesn't mean that success came easy.  There were a lot of tough times and failure that preceded all the success she enjoys today and it was hard work.  And although she may not have had all the experience or resources when she first started, as she so truthfully put it, it's about "getting creative with limited resources." She documents her best tips and strategies in her book 'Start Your Business On A Ramen Noodle Budget- 12 Lessons on Becoming a Young Entrepreneur When You Are Broke' in an easy, fast, and fun narrative which we enjoyed reading and highlighting several passages from.

She is someone we could all learn a thing or two from even if you never plan on becoming an entrepreneur.  Whatever it is you wish to achieve in life, remember this powerful statement from Felecia - "Get out of your own way."

We hope you enjoy listening,

Alex & Jeanette

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