Many people believe that by the time they become seniors, they are destined to deal with aches and pains, inflammation, disease, and days filled with taking various types of medication.

Yet, there are those who have made it their life’s work to prove otherwise.

In today’s episode, Angela Fischetti, a whole foods plant exclusive/vegan physical fitness and yoga instructor and massage therapist, specializing in wellness for older adults, shares how virtually anyone who identifies as a “senior” can live a vibrant, health, whole life.

As a senior myself (just shy of turning 69), I found our conversation extremely enlightening, engaging and one I highly recommend others watch and listen to.

Angela began teaching seniors in her thirties, at a time when she embarked on her own tough healing journey. Three decades later, a senior herself, Angela combines years of experience and research with a unique combination of empathy and encouragement for older adults seeking a healthier lifestyle.