Obesity, cancer, and high blood pressure were only a few of the conditions Linda Middlesworth was living with when a chance meeting with a neighbor she barely knew would change Linda’s life forever.

At the age of 44, Linda had grown accustomed to not feeling well. Not sure where to turn for help, she confided in her new friend while walking their dogs at a local park.

“Check out Dr. McDougall’s work,” her friend advised.

Eager to feel better, Linda picked up a copy of The McDougall Plan: 12 Days to Dynamic Health.

Immersing herself in the book, Linda took the information to heart. Within a few days of implementing Dr. McDougall’s information, Linda began to feel better.

The first to admit she was 100% on target, once she adhered to Dr. McDougall’s protocol she lost 50 pounds, reversed her high blood pressure and cancer, and had a completely new lease on life.

Fast forward 34 years. Linda Middlesworth is a force to be reckoned with. Her passion for the vegan lifestyle goes beyond her own health. She is a vegan mentor and very committed to animal advocacy.

V-Dog is Born

Realizing dogs were being subjected to a decline in their health due to the poor quality of most off the shelf dog brands, Linda and her late husband knew there had to be a better way to feed dogs.

In 2005, their dream became a reality and v-dog was born. V-dog was the first vegan dog food company in the USA and remains a family owned, vegan business to this very day. www.v-dog.com

No Stone Unturned

An in-demand vegan lifestylist, Linda keeps busy speaking and lecturing at schools, universities, churches, state agencies, and libraries as well as appearing on podcast shows.

In addition, she teaches step, body sculpting, and Pilates at California Family Fitness and is a Personal Trainer.

Her personal mission is to help people regain their health and well-being through nutrition education and by showing them how to lead a lifestyle of compassion to promote both healthful eating and animal advocacy.

Before the shutdowns from the pandemic, Linda could often be seen leading a group of shoppers on grocery store tours to help them identify and make healthful eating choices.

As a vegan mentor, Linda is committed to helping her clients transition to a vegan lifestyle. This means, no matter where they are on the path to wellness, she helps them make healthy, plant-based food choices.

Linda supplies her clients with recipes and informational books from Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. John McDougall, Rip Esselstyn, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Greger, and Dr. T. Colin Campbell.

Linda is also an instructor for Cancer Project: Food for Life Classes showing Cancer Prevention and Survival, Heart Disease Prevention, Diabetes Prevention, Weight Loss.

She uses the materials and educational information provided by the non-profit organization: Physicians Committee for Responsible (PCRM) 
