When it comes to reading labels, Sophia DeSantis is in a league all her own. Not only does she unravel the lies hidden on labels, she also teaches her clients how to do the same.

Sophia’s journey into plant-based eating began with her husband’s health was becoming a huge concern. After having two babies within 15 months of each other, the stress for both Sophia an her husband was mounting. Sophia’s husband was on high blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication, and had bee most of his adult life. The medication was not working like it had, which added to their concerns and stress.

Fortunately, the cardiologist was very forward thinking. He gave Sophia’s husband a couple of choices. One, keep doing what you’re doing and increase medications or change his diet to one that was more plant based.

Having grown up in a Greek household, this was not a change they anticipated.

Both Sophia and her husband consumed meat and dairy as part of their food protocol.

The cardiologist recommended the documentary, Forks Over Knives. This was a life changing decision for the DeSantis family.

They decided to try a dramatic change for at least 21 days. They eliminated gluten, sugar, alcohol, all animal products from the start.

About Sophia

Sophia DeSantis is a former first grade teacher and education specialist, who now uses her expertise from teaching and passion for wellness to help others feel empowered instead of overwhelmed through her client centered health coaching.


