Our very first two part episode features Cindy Guentert-Baldo a lettering artist and fellow planner enthusiast. Part 1 is not for the faint of heart. Warning: This conversation has nothing to do with lettering. We chat about her planners, internet people, the planner community, and murder… see this one’s all over the place. Part 2 has the on topic advice and detail on Cindy and her lettering journey. We left all this goodness in because it was too good to leave out. Show Highlights A moist welcome to the new year. Cindy’s current planner lineup Don’t trust Arizona people. Jamie’s lettering recommendation from her SIL A few parenting moments Meeting people of the internet What we see happens at events and meetups Banana’s and Kadadict Murder in Northern California Cindy’s Special Cocktail Mentions Llama Lettering - https://youtu.be/Dxo5NHn1vdk Plancation
 - https://arizonaplannergirls.com/plancation-2017/ Scribbles That Matter - https://www.amazon.com/Scribbles-That-Matter-version-Notebook/dp/B01N63VX52 Day Designer - https://daydesigner.com/ Erin Condren - https://www.erincondren.com/