What came in this week? Your hosts Colleen, Jamie & Stephanie recap their hauls this week and have an in-depth discussion about this months Planner Society Kit. More importantly they recap Plancation 2016, and chat about the speakers, sponsors, and vendors at Plancation 2017. Show Highlights: Everyone share’s their latest orders & planner supplies Plancaton 2016 Recap Plancaton 2017 Speaker, Vendor, and Sponsor Overview Upcoming Guests Shops Mentioned: Michelle Baxter Leuchtturm - https://www.leuchtturm1917.us Scribbles That Matter - https://www.amazon.com/Scribbles-That-Matter-Notebook-Beautiful/dp/B01N0DVZLA Planner Boss Collective - http://www.plannerbosscollective.com/ Bubba Bear Studios - https://www.bubbabearstudios.com/#popup Sew Much Crafting - https://www.etsy.com/shop/SewMuchCrafting Planner Kate - https://www.etsy.com/shop/PlannerKate1 Krissy Anne Designs - https://www.krissyanne.com/ Field Notes - https://fieldnotesbrand.com/ May Designs - https://www.maydesigns.com/ The Planner Society - http://www.scarletlime.com/plannersociety15.html People Mentioned Michelle Baxter - https://www.instagram.com/quirkyheart/ Favored Friend - https://www.instagram.com/favoredfriend/ Spine Labels - https://www.instagram.com/spinelabels/