A food philosophy is a wonderful tool to help you get clarity on how you feel about food and to help your beliefs guide your decisions about food in your home, making food choices so much easier! Read on for more on how and why you might want to try it! The planned prepped and productive food philosophyWe believe that all Foods FitWe believe that a healthy diet is made up of a sum of it's components and not any one individual food.  Because of this we understand that no one food can break the diet and we don't support the idea of bad foods. We remain neutral about foodWe do not label foods as good or bad.  Food is food and we try to keep the food police at bay by not moralizing food or food choicesWe believe in feeding our bodies regularly We know that we are at our happiest when we are fed, so we strive to consider how we will keep our bodies fed throughout the day and to eat regularly. We strive to include protein and a fruit or vegetable at every mealWe know that certain foods keep us feeling our best! In order to stay feeling full and fueled mentally and physically we attempt to include protein and a fruit or vegetable to make sure we are meeting our needs. We believe that foods and meals should support the physical and mental/emotional healthWhile we absolutely believe in the power of whole, nutrient dense foods, we also believe that food helps us connect and love OR that it can help us in times of stress.  We are happy to eat foods that are less nutrient dense if it supports family bonding or togetherness or if we are in a time of emotional distress and we need extra support.  We try to follow the 80/20 rule and eat foods that support our physical bodies 80% of the time.  We also understand that foods that are good for our physical bodies can also help us out of emotional ruts when we have to time and energy to prepare them.We believe in cooking from scratch most of the time (but also in using shortcuts that make sense)Pre-cut veggies? Sure! Sauces that are about the same nutritionally from the store as when they're made from scratch? Sign us up!  We try to cook when it matters and cheat when it doesn't. We believe in planning and preparing so food prep can be a small part of life instead of being all consuming and we are willing to eat a B level meal that saves us time and energy for more important things. We know we can eat well even when we keep our meal plan simple, and even if we repeat meals often.  We don't want food and meal prep to consume our lives so we try to keep meal prep to 30 minutes or less on weeknights and we try to choose meals that are simple to prepare and don't cause immense stress to prepare. We know that food can be fun, taste great, and be nourishing at the same timeThrough strategic planning and prep we can enjoy great food without stress and overwhelm. Resources: To abstain or moderate Jody MooreDecision Fatigue